Looking At The Long Term Dexilant Side Effects

I’ve been curious about what the long term dexilant side effects are. Dexilant itself is a very useful piece of medication. It works by causing a person’s stomach to release less acid. This, in turn, can provide relief for people suffering from various ailments of the stomach and esophagus.

For example, if you’re suffering from acid reflux, dexilant might be able to help. If heartburn is keeping you up at night, or is causing you much discomfort, dexilant could also provide some relief. Or if you’re worried that ulcers will soon be forming in your stomach, dexilant could help prevent this from happening. These are only some of the medical benefits of this drug. There are others.

That said, people would also like to make an informed decision before taking additional medication. This includes knowing about the possible side effects of a particular drug. Since some people might end up taking dexilant for a long period of time, they would in particular want to know more about the possible long term effects of its use.

From the reading I’ve done, it seems there are a number of possible long term effects to watch out for. One of these is the possibility that a person’s magnesium levels in the blood might become too low. If this happens, that person could then experience serious symptoms.

For example, low magnesium levels could lead to issues with the person’s heartbeat. It could at times become unusually rapid, or it could slow down excessively. The heartbeat could also develop an irregular rhythm. A person’s muscles could also be affected. Muscles could potentially experience spasms or cramps. Muscles could also weaken or end up feeling limp. Someone could also feel dizzy or confused. More seriously, a person could suffer from seizures.

Due to these possibilities, your doctor might recommend that you undergo regular tests for magnesium levels in the blood. This will help your doctor know whether the levels are already becoming too low.

Another possible long term effect is that the medicine might, over time, make a person more susceptible to fractured bones or loss of bone strength. This could lead to a greater risk of fracturing one’s wrist, hip or spine in a fall or other accident. What needs to be considered here is the age of the patient. The older a patient is, the greater the chance of bone loss. Also relevant is the dose of the dexilant. The higher the dose, the greater the chance of fractures.

So, it’s best to speak with a doctor about this. It may be possible to reduce this possibility by increasing your intake of calcium. You might also be asked to increase your vitamin D intake by using supplements.

These are some of the possible long term effects of dexilant use. If you expect to be taking this medication for an extended period of time, be sure to have a thorough discussion with your doctor about what side effects to watch out for, and what can be done to help prevent them.